D'Ambra Consulting | Digital Marketing Consulting Services
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Amplify & highlight your positive brand content through various digital marketing channels.


On-site landing & web page optimization to boost your customer conversion rate.


Conduct keyword audit & make landing page modifications to build your organic traffic.


Increase the number of quality inbound links to raise your search engine ranking.



Expert Guidance

Looking to develop your business or need help with your online marketing plan but not sure where to turn? Let us guide you. Building for the future in today’s rapidly evolving environment means taking risks, implementing changes, and utilizing insightful decision-making. We have worked with different-sized marketing budgets and will find a strategic solution that fits your business while minimizing your annual spending based on your industry's best practices.


Enhance Your Curb Appeal

Do your landing pages suffer from abandonment issues? Your website is the first thing searchers will see and the best way to make a good first impression, so it should have a responsive design, be user-friendly, contain quality content and focused on business growth. Our marketing experts will review your website and make recommendations for on-site page optimization with an emphasis on usability and removing obstacles to conversions. That includes analyzing your landing pages, checkout path, and shopping cart to locate issues and bring your bounce rate under control.

Our goal is to help you create a well-designed website that contains rapidly converting landing pages for all of your products or services.


Get Discovered

As part of our monthly service, we will diagnose your site content, relevant keyword opportunities and present rankings to determine which keywords and/or phrases could be targeted to secure additional or higher rankings in the organic results of major search engines. The more frequently your site appears on the search results page the more visitors it will receive. SEO can target different kinds of search, including local, image, video, and industry-specific vertical search engines. We will work to ensure that your company is listed in all relevant online local business directories and that your online information is complete and accurate. We will also validate that your industry or niche-specific listing entries are effective and continuously resubmit your information to achieve the highest possible position in the map results.


Put Your Business On The Map

Get your business on page one of searches for your product or service by promoting quality traffic to your website. We have set up and managed Google and Microsoft paid search campaigns since 2004 and have a firm understanding of campaign structure and management across both search and display networks to attract traffic to your brand within your budget goals. Ads run when you need them to and are targeted to whichever geographic area you prefer. It’s vital for your local business to be found in the local search results and the most common way that consumers find local businesses is through Google Maps. We will construct relevant ads for your local business that secure sponsored ad space in Google Local search results. We make sure they find you and you will always have a dedicated search specialist handling your account.

SEO & Paid Search


Build Loyalty - Push

Email Marketing is the best way to increase referrals and boost customer lifetime value. We can build welcome, lead, and recall email campaigns that convert in all stages of the customer journey and offer campaign suggestions on how to enhance your overall email program.

Drive Traffic - Pull

Increase your chances of being found by continually adding and updating the content on your website and throughout your campaigns. We will create fresh, engaging product or service content and write keyword-rich unique copy that generates new and relevant traffic to your company's website.


Expand Your Business

Listing your products in the top comparison shopping search engines is crucial to broadening your reach and to helping shoppers find your products. We will create optimized product data feeds for you that will take into account SEO best practices for product titles and descriptions. You will then have the option of being listed in the following top-paid CSEs: Google Product Search, MSN Shopping, Amazon, Walmart, and eBay.


Engage Your Audience

Each Social Media element has its unique value and it is a great way to engage with your audience and build new opportunities to increase reach and visibility to share your brand. We will review your current social media strategy and provide suggestions that will enable you to monitor and measure the results of your efforts.

We can also create platform pages, manage your online interactions across social media channels, and provide targeted demographic image-driven campaigns to get your brand in front of the people who need you. The key is to find what works best for your marketing objectives. Our goal is to partner with you to determine how your business can engage and profit from social media. 

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